My knees hurt
Well, I have been working for a little over a week now; a temporary position processing orders for UT football championship merchandise. May I just say, it's no wonder everyone's broke, when they spend ungodly amounts on trinkets. Granted, some things may actually be useful, like the clothing or wallets; but why in God's name do you need a UT dog collar, a UT tape measure, or 10 cheap, plastic UT "stadium cups?" Some people are spending over $300 dollars on this stuff. Must be nice to have the money to blow. Oh well, it's paying my rent for now.
The only down sides are that I'm working 6 days a week, I'm again working nights, and I'm on my feet about 7 hours a day. I haven't had a job that required that much standing/walking in over 10 years now. It's hell on my feet and knees, and I sure could use a good back massage. It's only temporary though. Hopefully come February, I will get some work on film crews.
In other news...
My insulin pump broke last Wednesday. I dropped it on the floor, like I have 100 times before; only this time the motor stopped working. I was pretty annoyed, as I no longer have health insurance, and I didn't think the pump was still under warranty. It turns out, I had a 4 year warranty, instead of 3 year, so Animas is sending me a new one. YAY. It has been hell living without it. I've been giving myself insulin shots before (most) meals, but my blood sugar still shoots up between them and while sleeping, without the constant dosing.
I had a very vivid dream about Sunny yesterday morning. I knew that he had died, but there he was with me, holding my hand, kissing me, and just generally being the loving man he was. It was nice. Then things turned weird, and we ended up in a monastery. It turned out the one I thought was Sunny was actually some sort of alien shapeshifter that the Catholics were hunting down. I wish I'd awaken before the dream became so wild. Still, maybe in death we all become shapeshifters. That could be rather fun. I hope Sunny is enjoying his afterlife.

There's a little trick I learned a few years ago to make yourself wake up from a bad dream. Not everyone can do this but if you manipulate your dream to make yourself read something like a book or newspaper you'll usually wake up. In your dream the words look like gibberish and the resulting confusion will cause you to wake up.
I've had several dreams about my mother since she died but they've never been bad which is kind of surprising to me. Most of the dreams have been about family times or vacations and usually my dad is in the dream too and he's been dead for over 24 years. I dreamed she died before she had even gotten sick and that really freaked me out.
Thanks, Bobby. I'll try it, though I'm usually one to just go with the flow, even with nightmares, as I'm sure most dreams I wind up remembering have something to tell me.
I can understand how dreaming that your mom had died before she had gotten sick would be troubling, especially after the fact. Many years ago I had a dream that a childhood friend of mine had died; when I woke up, my mom told me he had been hit by a drunk driver and killed.
Things like that certainly make you believe that there is more to life than what we experience day to day.
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