July 26, 2005

A poem from the past

I wrote this poem many years ago; but in the last year, it became even more significant in my life.

It scares me sometimes
I may not be strong enough
to always love you,
to always shield you
from all the madness,
anger and scorn.

It scares me
when I cradle you in my arms
and look into those beautiful,
loving eyes,
your sweet face,
and I don't have all the answers.

My heart reaches out
to stroke your soft cheek.
My soul reaches out
to caress your body.

You--my friend, my love
my dearest joy--
I am afraid of failing you.
How can I be your hero
when I need you so much?

July 20, 2005

My Beloved

My beloved Sunny passed away this week.

He fought for 11 long months, trying to recover from his gastric bypass surgery. In pain every day, he still held out hope until the last days. He still gave us his beautiful smile nearly every day. He still was my comfort when I was at my breaking point.

In death, he will continue to be my strength.

May he enjoy all the rewards heaven has to offer.
